South Park New Season Premiere Not Funny
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Critic Reviews for South Park: Season 25
Audience Reviews for South Park: Season 25
Jun 08, 2022
This season felt like the old South Park again between Butters, Randy and St.Patrick to Airsoft teenagers. It was pretty funny and well thought out for the most part
Jun 05, 2022
This season of SP perfectly sums up what happens to comedy when it gets handed by lefties, it becomes boring, lame, moralistic, and it reeks of the moral cowardice of wanting to please everyone. It's too boring to even fall asleep to
Apr 14, 2022
What a save to South Park! The newer seasons have been disappointing but this combined with 24 i think could bring the to-be-classic episodes back
Apr 03, 2022
Somehow South Park still seems to cut it. Some brilliant takes once again.
Mar 25, 2022
Randy and Butters steal the show again, but then the boys get their equal share of show time. Funny as ever, great season. It is hilarious when viewers complain about silly triggers like masks. Stone and Parker are always one step ahead.
Mar 25, 2022
Back to the Cold War and Credigree where excellent form
Mar 21, 2022
As an avid fan of South Park who has allowed it to become in my top 3 shows that I can re-watch past episodes of multiple times. I started South Park Season 25 with high hopes after the ways in which the Post Covid specials (the two part series where they are adults) felt like I was more disconnected to the show than ever before. It was a breath of fresh air when the first episode delivered well with the topic matter and its relevance with current the political spectacles that we have all witnessed, specifically in the United States. Voices on certain characters seemed to have lost their trademark tone and unique vocals, with Mr. Mackey being a prime example of that throughout the entire season, among others to which I prefer people to make judgement on themselves. With only 4 characters who had a noticeable change with their unique voices, I was able to overlook it once the episodes continued to deliver hilarious episodes, with it obvious how Matt Stone and Trey Parker utilized their usual humor with the characters to address everything we have observed or experienced these last few years, such as social issues, political disorganization/corruption, race/ethnicity treatment from society to even an individual level (i.e. Episode 2 and Stan's anxiety on if he is a racist). For only six episodes, it felt as if Stone and Parker were testing the waters after the COVID episodes where all the focus on writing remained on one topic, which was a let down to me due to Stone and Parker never being the type of writers to drag an issue on for so long over multiples episodes. With this disappointment in the COVID episodes arc, it actually helped with allowing me to absorb Season 25 in a way that made me feel like South Park has made its' return in terms of character personality's remaining the same while also appearing more mature with how things are approached each episode. I applaud them for being able to create 6 episodes where I was able to absorb new material that we have not had in a long time, which to me I simply enjoyed being able to start connecting with all the beloved characters we have had years of becoming attached to. Stone and Parker's reason for having a 10 episode season to then 6 episodes seemed worrisome at first, but by the end of the 6th episode, I knew that I felt excited again to see what is next, to which it is unknown at this time whether additional episodes will be added, to which I can only hope they are. We needed the characters back, all of them, and not as adults, but as children, parents, teachers, counselors, to even Tuong Lu Kim and his City Wok. I've been a committed fan for years and have re-watched many episodes, to where knowing those 6 episodes are easily in the group of all the other re-watchable ones now, it allows me to feel optimism with where South Park will be going from here. I have confidence many will know by the end of 2nd episode of the season if it is something they want to continue watching. Without giving spoilers away, as with this show it can be difficult elaborating on situations, interactions, character development, without realizing the way it can ruin a viewers perspective when I recommend everyone watching with fresh eyes and open mind in terms of Stone & Parker's ability to deliver great episode after great episode. I gave this season 4 stars, as I feel it was rushed at moments with fitting so many things in each episode, but it still felt like South Park, and each character felt like they were the same personality as I came to know well over years of being a fan. For anyone new watching it for first time, I am sure it'll either have you laughing or confused, as the backstory of everything in the South Park universe from Season 1 still translates and connects firmly within Season 25. For committed fans and those who can quote episodes like it's a first language, I can assure you that Stone & Parker will not let you down in terms of how they are back in a way the die hard fans understand and have been wanting, and also needing in the times we have had to experience. They made it hilarious, insightful, and will touch on the topics we know they never strayed or felt fearful of creating something about. Backlash may not happen or still can easily occur, but that is South Park at its core and Season 25 has redeemed my faith in Stone & Parker still being the creative geniuses that want to make sure we watch something to laugh at, but also giving us that laughter in a way that there is a lesson many would find useful when reflecting on our state of the world to our own personal life. They did not back down this season or allow political correctness to dictate their creative process, which is exactly why South Park has been on the air for so long, as they do not conform to meet the needs of anyone but themselves and their creative team, along with us fan who know how much they care about giving us something to enjoy and help cope with in terms of everything around us.
Mar 17, 2022
Too much Butters and Randy. I've never found either character funny.
Mar 17, 2022
I just watched My Teenager Hates Me. The sarcasm is perfection, bruh.
Mar 16, 2022
Ages 17+ only, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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